Mental Health

Mental Health Care Isn’t Trustworthy In Pakistan, Here’s Why That May Be The Case

There is an urgent need for reform in Pakistan’s system of mental health treatment. Although the country has begun acknowledging and talking about mental health difficulties, the degree of care given by therapists frequently falls short of international norms. The unreliability of therapists in Pakistan is a major issue, which is made worse by the prevalent role of religion in mental health consultations. This article explores the issues, makes suggestions for reform, and emphasises the demand for therapists who can deliver objective, research-based therapy. Image Source: Some Challenges We Face: Lack of Regulation: The absence of a centralised regulatory authority for therapists in Pakistan has resulted in a surge in the number of untrained people providing mental health services. This oversight gap affects the standard of service and provides a foothold for dishonest practitioners. Religious bias: The infiltration of religious ideas into therapy sessions is a serious issue that many people seeking therapy in Pakistan must deal with. While for some people faith may be a source of strength, it can be detrimental and ineffective to impose religious principles on patients without their permission or regardless of their own personal views. Stigmatisation: In Pakistan, the societal stigma associated with mental illness frequently encourages people to get care surreptitiously. They are exposed in this setting to therapists who may take advantage of them or violate their confidentiality, thus undermining faith in the field. Misdiagnosis: Therapists who may not fully comprehend the intricate interplay between cultural norms, religious influences, and mental health difficulties may make incorrect diagnoses as a result of cultural elements and religious views. Image Source: How Can Therapists Be More Trustworthy? Regulation and Accreditation: The Pakistani government should create a regulating organization to credential therapists and impose stringent requirements for education and moral conduct. This would increase trust in the industry by ensuring that only certified experts are permitted to practice. Education and Training: Therapists must get in-depth instruction that emphasizes diversity awareness and cultural sensitivity. They may therefore comprehend the distinctive cultural and religious dimensions of mental health in Pakistan without having to impose their own ideas on patients. Ethics: Mental health providers must follow rigorous ethical principles, which include respecting patient privacy and gaining informed permission. Violations of these rules should result in dire repercussions. Integrating Evidence-Based Practices: The industry should give priority to evidence-based therapeutic techniques that have been shown to be successful across cultural boundaries. These methods reduce the possibility of bias and guarantee that treatment is founded on empirical research rather than cultural or religious prejudices. It is urgent to address the issue of Pakistani therapists’ lack of reliability right now. The industry has to be reformed through the creation of regulating organisations, the application of strict ethical standards, and thorough training for mental health practitioners. Additionally, the provision of a secure and welcoming atmosphere for those dealing with mental health problems depends on a transition towards secular mental health treatment. By implementing these modifications, Pakistan may aim to raise the standard and ease of access to mental health treatment, ensuring that therapy becomes a reliable and helpful resource for individuals in need

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Common Mental Illnesses Ignored In South Asian Communities

Mental health is a topic that has historically been shrouded in stigma and silence in many parts of the world. South Asian communities, which encompass countries such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Indian diaspora, are no exception to this global issue. In these communities, mental health concerns are often misunderstood, disregarded, or kept hidden due to cultural, social, and traditional factors. This article sheds light on some prevalent mental illnesses within South Asian communities that are often under-addressed and discusses the urgent need for awareness and change. Image Source: The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health In South Asian cultures, the concept of “saving face” is deeply ingrained. Mental health issues, when openly discussed, are often viewed as a reflection of personal or family inadequacy, which leads to a culture of silence. This silence perpetuates myths and misconceptions about mental health and contributes to the stigma. As a result, those in need of help are often hesitant to seek it due to the fear of judgment and ostracism. Prevalent Mental Illnesses in South Asian Communities Depression: Depression is a silent and invisible adversary that affects millions within South Asian communities. The pressures of societal expectations, academic or career success, and family dynamics can all contribute to the development of depression. However, many individuals suffering from depression go undiagnosed and untreated due to the aforementioned stigma. Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety disorders are also common but under-acknowledged in South Asian communities. The constant worry about the future, social pressures, and familial expectations can contribute to high levels of anxiety. Yet, many individuals suffering from anxiety disorders suffer in silence. PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) often goes unrecognized in South Asian communities, particularly among immigrants who have experienced trauma in their home countries or during the migration process. Culturally sensitive support is essential for those affected by this condition. Eating Disorders: Eating disorders are another area of concern. Pressure to conform to traditional beauty standards can lead to unhealthy eating habits and body image issues. These disorders are often masked and untreated. Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia, though a severe mental illness, is not immune to the stigma in South Asian communities. Lack of awareness and understanding can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment. Substance Abuse: Substance abuse is often used as a coping mechanism for individuals dealing with mental health issues. The stigma surrounding addiction can hinder access to treatment. Image Source: The Urgent Need for Awareness and Change Education: One of the most effective ways to combat the stigma around mental health is through education. South Asian communities must be provided with culturally sensitive and accurate information about mental health issues to dispel myths and misunderstandings. Support Networks: Creating support networks and safe spaces for individuals to share their experiences and seek help is essential. Local community organizations and mental health professionals can play a crucial role in establishing these networks. Advocacy: Advocacy efforts can help reduce stigma and improve access to mental health services. Prominent figures within the South Asian community, including celebrities, leaders, and role models, can use their platforms to raise awareness about mental health. Culturally Competent Mental Health Services: South Asian individuals seeking help must have access to culturally competent mental health services that understand the unique challenges and cultural context of their experiences. Family Involvement: Family plays a significant role in South Asian communities, and involving them in discussions about mental health is crucial. Open conversations can help reduce the isolation of those struggling and encourage early intervention. Mental health issues within South Asian communities are prevalent but often remain hidden due to stigma, cultural factors, and a lack of awareness. To address this problem, it is essential to promote education, establish support networks, engage in advocacy, and provide culturally competent mental health services. By breaking the silence surrounding mental health, South Asian communities can foster a more supportive and understanding environment for individuals facing these challenges. It is only through such collective efforts that the prevalent mental illnesses in South Asian communities can be effectively addressed and the path to healing and recovery can be paved.

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Cervical Cancer And What You Need To Know

The cervix is located at the opening of uterus. It has a transformation zone, which is an area where two epithelial cell layers meet, the squamous cell layer coming from the vagina from below and the columnar epithelium coming from the uterus. This transformation zone is the most common site of origin of cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of death in women worldwide. It occurs when there is abnormal growth of cells involving the cervix. The most common cause of cervical cancer is human papillomavirus (HPV) which is a common sexually transmitted infection. There are many strains of this virus, but the cancer-causing strains are HPV 16 and 18.  This cancer is of two types, squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. The prior has more incidence. Image Source: Cervical cancer usually involves young women. Human papilloma virus- HPV HPV has the highest incidence of causing cervical cancer. There are around 150 strains of this virus, but the high-risk strains are 16 and 18. This is a sexually transmitted disease and has greater incidence in sexually active women with multiple partners. The virus is present on the genital surface and hence spreads during vaginal, anal and oral intercourse. There are vaccines available to prevent disease from HPV. These vaccines are highly effective and are available in quadrivalent (Gardasil), bivalent (Cervarix) and nonvalent forms. Another effective way to prevent this disease is protected sex using condoms, especially for women who have multiple partners or a partner who has a positive history of this infection.  Human immunodeficiency virus- HIV Infection with HIV predisposes a person to all kinds of infections. This virus weakens the immune system and impairs its ability to fight off infections. Along with increasing the susceptibility to various infections, HIV impairs the body’s defense to slow cancer cell growth and hence the local disease becomes malignant faster. Smoking Smoking has multiple negative effects on our health. It is a carcinogen that enters bloodstream and imposes injurious effects on our organs. These harmful compounds increase the chances of developing cancer and slow down the immune system. Cervical mucus of smokers contains cigarette components proving the effect of cigarette constituents on organs and its role in disease causation. Oral contraceptives  The use of oral contraceptives has been noted to be associated with an increased risk of cancer. This may be because women on ocps don’t use barrier contraceptives like condoms which is very important in preventing all sorts of sexually transmitted diseases. Inflammatory disease When there are inflammatory diseases affecting the body, the production of inflammatory cytokines predisposes the body to develop disease and infections. Inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) increase the risk of developing cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer up to 1.5 times. This may be due to the use of immunosuppressive drugs in these women. Multiple pregnancies Women with multiple full-term pregnancies are more likely to get cervical cancer. This can be due to increased sexual activity or the fact that pregnancy can be an immunocompromised condition. Diethylstilbesterol Diethylstilbesterol is a drug that was used to induce abortion before 1971. This drug was reported with the incidence of vaginal and cervical cancer in women whose mothers had taken this drug. The type of cervical cancer associated with this drug is clear cell adenocarcinoma of the vagina and cervix. According to a study the risk of developing cancer in women with DES exposure is 30% more than in unexposed women. Image Source: Signs and symptoms Cervical cancer may present in many ways. Some of the most common signs and symptoms are: Bleeding Bleeding per vagina is a very common complaint of females with cervical cancer. The bleeding may be post-coital, intermenstrual or post-menopausal. Post coital bleeding can be due to many causes like cervical ectropion, polyp or cervical erosion. Whatever the reason may be, the cause must be investigated and treated. (9) Intermenstrual bleeding also has multiple causes specially in young women. These causes can be infection, fibroids, contraception, cancer, endometritis etc. Post menopausal bleeding is seen in women of old age. It can be due to vaginal atrophy, cervical or endometrial polyps and cancer. Dyspareunia This refers to pain during sexual intercourse. Cervical cancer can cause discomfort and pain during sex. There can be many causes for this hence it should be promptly addressed. Vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge can also be a symptom of cervical cancer. Although this is usually a symptom of an infection, this abnormal discharge can also denote cervical cancer. Pelvic pain Pelvic pain may occur when the disease disseminates to surrounding organs and pelvic lymph nodes. Image Source: Diagnosis Diagnosis of cervical cancer is facilitated by screening by pap smear. Pap smear This is a highly convenient technique used to diagnose abnormality in the cervical cells. Pap smear is now done routinely in women of reproductive age. Routine testing with pap smear has greatly reduced the incidence of cervical cancer. Not does this facilitate early diagnosis but also favors prompt diagnosis. This test is available in hospitals and clinics. In this, a sample of cells is taken on a swab from the transformation zone of the cervix in a circular motion. This sample is then studied under a microscope for any noticeable abnormalities. Colposcopy This procedure is done to visualize the cervix in detail. During this procedure a speculum is placed to open the vagina and to expose the cervix. The cervix is then visualized by a microscope from the outside. This procedure is usually followed by abnormal pap test results that show abnormality in cervical cells. This test can rule out many cervical abnormalities like cervical polyps, cervical cancers, cervical ectropion etc. A biopsy can also be taken during this procedure for further investigations. Large loop excision of transformation zone (LLETZ) or cone biopsy This is an invasive procedure done in patients with cervical abnormalities like cervical cancer. This is usually followed by a pap test and colposcopy. This is an intervention done

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Breast Cancer Is As Serious As It Gets, So Why Do Pakistani Women Overlook It?

Breast cancer is a global health concern affecting millions of women each year. In Pakistan, this issue takes on a unique dimension due to cultural factors that often discourage women from seeking medical attention for breast-related concerns. In this article, we will explore the critical importance of breast cancer awareness in Pakistan, shed light on the tendency within desi families to downplay women’s health issues, and emphasize why ignoring the signs of breast cancer can have devastating consequences. Image Source: In Pakistan, like in many other South Asian countries, societal norms and cultural expectations often place women’s health on the back burner. Desi families may tend to downplay or dismiss women’s medical concerns, especially when it comes to sensitive issues such as breast health. This cultural reluctance to discuss women’s health openly can lead to delayed diagnosis and treatment, ultimately jeopardizing lives. Ignoring the Signs One of the primary reasons why breast cancer awareness is vital in Pakistan is the tendency to ignore or misinterpret the signs and symptoms of this disease. Early detection of breast cancer significantly improves the chances of successful treatment and survival. However, in many cases, women dismiss breast lumps, pain, or changes in breast size as normal or unrelated to cancer. This ignorance can have dire consequences, as breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among Pakistani women. Cultural Stigma Breast cancer awareness in Pakistan is further hindered by the stigma associated with discussing women’s health openly. Many women fear that speaking out about breast-related issues will bring shame upon their families or themselves. This fear of stigma can discourage women from seeking timely medical care and can result in breast cancer diagnoses at advanced stages, making treatment more challenging and less effective. Lack of Education Another significant factor contributing to the lack of breast cancer awareness in Pakistan is the lack of education and awareness campaigns. While organizations like Pink Ribbon Pakistan have been working tirelessly to educate and screen women for breast cancer, there is still a long way to go. Many women in rural areas may not even be aware of breast cancer or its symptoms, further exacerbating the problem. Changing the Narrative To combat the issue of breast cancer ignorance in Pakistan, it is essential to change the narrative around women’s health. Families and communities must be encouraged to prioritize the well-being of their women, including discussing breast health openly. Medical professionals, community leaders, and educators should collaborate to develop culturally sensitive awareness campaigns that reach even the most remote areas. Image Source: Self-Examination and Regular Check-ups Empowering women with knowledge is a critical aspect of breast cancer awareness. Pakistani women should be educated about the importance of self-breast examinations and the need for regular clinical check-ups. Self-examinations can help women identify changes in their breasts early, while regular clinical check-ups can detect abnormalities that may not be apparent through self-examination alone. Breast cancer awareness in Pakistan is a matter of life and death for countless women. Cultural factors, stigma, and ignorance have contributed to a climate where breast cancer is often diagnosed at advanced stages, reducing the chances of successful treatment. It is vital to break the silence surrounding women’s health issues and promote open dialogue within desi families and communities. With education, early detection, and the removal of stigma, we can make progress in the fight against breast cancer in Pakistan, ultimately saving lives and ensuring a healthier future for all women.

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Disregarding Women’s Health Concerns in Pakistan, A Constant Battle

In Pakistan, like many other parts of the world, the issue of gender bias in healthcare is a pressing concern that often goes unnoticed. One significant facet of this problem is the tendency of healthcare professionals, including doctors, to not take women’s health concerns seriously, thereby downplaying or dismissing their complaints. This pervasive issue leads to delayed diagnoses and treatment, exacerbating health problems, and undermining women’s well-being. This article delves into the problem of gender-based medical gaslighting in Pakistan, emphasizing the urgent need for change and reform. Image Source: The Reality of Gender Bias in Healthcare Women in Pakistan face numerous challenges in accessing healthcare. Societal norms, cultural barriers, and financial constraints often limit their ability to seek medical attention promptly. However, when they do overcome these hurdles and consult healthcare providers, they frequently encounter another barrier: medical gaslighting. Medical gaslighting is a phenomenon in which healthcare professionals minimize, trivialize, or dismiss a patient’s concerns or symptoms, leading them to doubt their own experiences and perceptions. In the context of women’s health, this problem becomes particularly pronounced. Women are often told that their pain or discomfort is “all in their head” or attributed to psychological factors, hormonal changes, or stress. Why Does Medical Gaslighting Persist? Several factors contribute to the persistence of medical gaslighting in Pakistan. One crucial factor is the deeply ingrained gender bias within the medical field itself. Many healthcare professionals hold implicit biases that can lead them to perceive women’s health concerns as less serious than those of men. These biases affect not only the diagnosis but also the treatment provided to female patients. Additionally, cultural and societal norms play a significant role. Pakistani society often downplays women’s autonomy and independence, which can seep into healthcare settings. Women are expected to endure pain quietly and are discouraged from challenging medical professionals. This makes it easier for healthcare providers to dismiss their complaints. The Consequences of Dismissing Women’s Health Concerns The consequences of medical gaslighting are dire. Women whose health concerns are brushed aside may not receive timely diagnoses or treatment, leading to the progression of illnesses that could have been treated effectively if detected earlier. This results in unnecessary suffering, complications, and sometimes even fatalities. Furthermore, the emotional toll on women is substantial. They may experience anxiety, depression, and a deep sense of frustration due to the lack of validation and empathy from healthcare providers. This emotional distress can further exacerbate their physical health problems. Image Source: Addressing the issue of medical gaslighting in Pakistan requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are some key steps that can help tackle this problem: Education and Sensitization: Medical institutions and professionals should undergo training to recognize and combat implicit biases. They must be made aware of the importance of taking women’s health concerns seriously. Empowerment of Women: Women should be encouraged to advocate for their own health and seek second opinions if they feel their concerns are being dismissed. Education and awareness campaigns can help empower women to assert their rights in healthcare settings. Legal Framework: Legislation should be in place to protect patients from medical negligence and malpractice, including cases of medical gaslighting. Laws that hold healthcare professionals accountable for their actions are essential. Cultural Change: Shifting societal norms to value women’s health and autonomy is crucial. This requires a broader cultural change that recognizes and respects women’s agency and rights. The issue of medical gaslighting in Pakistan is a deeply ingrained problem that affects the well-being of countless women. It is a manifestation of the broader gender bias present in society and the healthcare system. To address this issue effectively, a concerted effort from healthcare professionals, policymakers, and society as a whole is needed. Only by acknowledging and rectifying these biases can we ensure that women’s health concerns are taken seriously and that they receive the medical care and attention they deserve. The health and lives of Pakistani women depend on it.

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Menstrual Health and Hygiene, Notes for Women Experiencing Periods

Menstruation is a natural process that occurs after 28-35 days duration every month. This process occurs because of the cyclical production of hormones which promotes the growth of a mature follicle that releases an egg which if fertilized results in conception. If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrium sheds and results in menstrual flow. This is a monthly process that happens to all women. During menstruation adequate hygiene should be maintained. Menstrual health and hygiene are fundamental for the wellbeing of every female. It empowers women to be confident and at the forefront of their daily activities. According to the World Bank, around 500 million women worldwide lack access to basic menstrual products. An unsatisfactory menstrual hygiene predisposes the body to infections, which is why it is considered very important to follow the general protocol. Image Source: Period poverty in Pakistan  Period poverty refers to social or cultural barriers that prevent women to freely access menstrual products. Lack of access to these products affects the physical and emotional tendencies of females and hurdles to their potential of performing their best. Another important factor that prevents women to attain good menstrual hygiene and access menstrual products is due to the financial constraints and tax on these products which makes it expensive and out of reach for them. Hence the unmet menstrual needs of women is an important issue that must be tactfully handled by the concerned authorities to aid the access of these products to all. Lack of basic menstrual wellness Around 80 percent of girls discover about menstruation after getting their first period. This lack of knowledge predisposes them to hesitancy and emotional discomfort. Having the basic knowledge about the process of menstruation and menstrual products allows young girls to be mentally prepared for the time they experience it. It also protects them from social embarrassments. Menstrual health management (MHM) To prevent the occurrence of disease and infection the WHO has introduced guidelines that highlight some precautions. Menstrual health management (MHM) focuses on women and adolescent girls to use an absorbable material that can be changed in privacy with the availability of water soap and proper sanitation. Maintain the cleanliness and disposing the used menstrual product wrapped in toilet paper or paper bag in a bin instead of flushing it down the toilet. Previously cloth was most popularly used by women during menstruation but the use of newer menstrual products like pads, tampons, menstrual cups and period underwear is preferred now. All these products are advised to be changed within 4-8 hours to prevent overflow. The menstrual cups are reusable and are to be washed properly to maintain hygiene. Image Source: Important steps to maintain good hygiene Use of clean water – Rinsing of the vulva with clean water with the direction being from vulva to the anus. This is important in preventing the bacteria to reach from the anus to the vulva. Changing the menstrual products regularly – It is advised to change the menstrual products within 4 to 8 hours to prevent overflow but more importantly to prevent toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome is a life-threatening condition which is caused by bacteria entering the body and releasing toxins which are harmful for the body. This is highly associated with the use of tampons in young girls. Use of good quality non scented products – Scented products can irritate the skin and lead to rash. Hence, it is better to use good quality products which are not scented. Bathing and cleaning – In some regions menstruation is considered impure and dirty. There are many misconceptions and people believe that bathing can have negative effects on health. This is false as there is no data that can show negative effects of bathing on health. However, bathing and maintaining cleanliness is good for health and prevents the development of possible infections. Image Source: Types of menstrual products and their availability There are many types of menstrual products available in the market. The safe menstrual products to maintain good hygiene are sanitary pads, tampons and menstrual cups. The choice of the perfect menstrual product depends on certain factors that vary amongst women. These factors include the level of activity, cost, ease of change and the amount of flow. The most used product is sanitary pads followed by tampons. Sanitary pads are the most popular amongst menstrual products. These are highly absorbent and made from natural and synthetic fibers majorly cotton. These need to be changed every 6-8 hours to prevent overflow and infection. Tampons are also commonly used. These are also made from natural and synthetic fibers and are inserted in the vagina. These may be a little difficult and uncomfortable for some women to insert hence pads are superiorly used. Tampons must be changed 4-6 hours to prevent the occurrence of toxic shock syndrome (TTS). This is a rare but life-threatening condition and may present with symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and rashes. Menstrual cups have recently become popular and in use. These are washable and pocket friendly. Like tampons, a menstrual cup is inserted in the vagina and where they collect menstrual blood. The menstrual cup can be washed and changed till 12 hours which is greater duration than sanitary pads and tampons, but this again depends on the amount of flow. Other less popular options are menstrual discs and period underwear. Menstrual disc is placed in the vagina at the opening of cervix. The period underwear is made up of poly filaments that absorb the period flow and prevents leakage. It can be washed and reused for 2 years. Hence, the choice of menstrual product depends on the amount of flow, cost and sustainability. This article concludes the importance of menstrual hygiene and how it is significant to prevent the occurrence of infectious disease that may be life threatening for women. Take away points Menstruation is a natural process that occurs in all females and normally is at the end of 28–35-day cycle. There are

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To Be Aware of PCOS, its Symptoms and Possible Treatments.

What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder found in females of reproductive age. It is predominated by a triad of presentation which includes hyperandrogenism, hirsutism and polycystic ovaries. These females experience anovulatory or missed cycles and often present with infertility. This disorder affects the ovaries which produce estrogen and progesterone. The cyclical production of these hormones enables the ovaries to release an egg by the process of ovulation. The egg, if fertilized by the sperm results in conception. Hence, the process of ovulation is the key to fertility which is impaired in females suffering from PCOS. What causes it? The exact cause of PCOS is not determined but there are some important factors that are considered to play a vital role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Insulin resistance, family history, increased level of androgens and inflammation are considered to be important factors. Image Source: The Vagenda Insulin resistance This refers to the decreased effect of insulin on peripheral tissues and one cause of this is obesity. Insulin resistance causes increased production of androgens (male hormones) from the ovaries. Androgens are normally secreted by the ovaries and adrenal glands but cause clinical symptoms when produced in excess. These include hirsutism and acne. When there is persistent insulin resistance there is a great chance of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. Lifestyle Sedentary lifestyle is an important contributor in causing PCOS. Eating an improper diet focused on carbs and calories with lack of exercise and energy consuming tasks leads to weight gain which directly leads to hormonal disturbance and PCOS. Focusing on a healthy diet and daily exercise is the first line of treatment for this disease which further signifies its importance. Family history Women with PCOS have 50% chances of having an immediate female relative with the same disease. Genes and family history have an important role in the development of this disease. Hormones The two most important hormones involved in the development of PCOS are androgens and insulin. These hormones are normally produced in humans in a regulated amount but when produced in excess, they prevent ovulation and disrupt menstrual cycle. Obesity increases the production of these hormones hence an important factor in causing this disease. Image Source: How do patients present? PCOS can be completely asymptomatic in some patients and may come to attention when the patient has irregular cycles or difficulty with getting pregnant. The most common presenting symptoms are, Irregular periods This refers to the absence of regular periods or missed cycles. Some women have less than eight cycles or less per year. Hair growth About 70% of women with PCOS have excessive hair growth on their face and other regions of body. This is because of high levels of androgen in the body. This excessive hair growth is called hirsutism. Acne The effect of elevated androgens also results in oily skin and acne. Weight gain Insulin resistance is a major cause of the resulting weight gain that occurs in patients with PCOS. Infertility As explained earlier, whenever the process of ovulation does not occur normally and the egg is not released, fertilization cannot occur. Depression and anxiety Depression and anxiety are common symptoms of PCOS. It is mostly estimated that this is due to hormonal changes, but further research is required. Some women have also been reported to suffer from eating disorders and all these side effects must be assessed by doctors to provide adequate help. Sleep troubles Women with PCOS tend to be obese and are more likely to have sleep apnea which causes breathlessness in sleep. This results in disturbed sleep and fatigue which aggravates bad mood. How is it diagnosed? PCOS is a clinical disease and is best diagnosed based on history and examination. A thorough history about menstrual cycle, weight gain and skin manifestations like excess hair growth on the body, acne and alopecia. The doctor may inquire about the family history as there is a close genetic relation observed. Other than this, a pelvic ultrasound to see for cysts in the ovaries is also done for diagnosis. Rotterdam criteria is used to diagnose this disease and is based on three factors Androgen excess- This can be measured and checked via labs and can be appreciated clinically in the form of acne and hirsutism. Ovulatory dysfunction- This can be assessed by the regularity of periods and a mid-cycle check of progesterone. Polycystic ovaries- These are cysts caused by incomplete ovulation when there is a failure of the mature follicle to release an egg and it forms a cyst. It is very important to rule out other important causes of such symptoms like adrenal and thyroid disorders. For this, blood tests are done to be certain about the cause. Image Source: Unknown Treatment of PCOS PCOS does not have a definitive treatment, but the symptoms can be managed. There is a range of symptoms that are presented and can be treated according to severity. Lifestyle changes The most initial and important step in treating PCOS is to focus on lifestyle changes. These changes are focused on diet and exercise. In overweight females, weight loss can improve the overall outcome of the disease and may prevent from the future complications of this disease. The ideal BMI is between 18.5-24.5. The diet must be focused on whole foods and fresh protein. Processed food intake increases weight gain and must be avoided overall. Medication Different medications can be helpful in treating the symptoms. Irregular menstrual cycle – Oral contraceptives are best used for making the menstrual cycle regular. These are taken from the first day of the cycle for 21 days (about 3 weeks) with a seven-day pill-free interval. The use of OCPs provides an added effect of prevention of endometrial cancer with regular cycles every month. Infertility – Women with PCOS who are trying to conceive can use clomiphene which induces ovulation and promotes fertility. It is a commonly used drug and may be the first recommended drug for

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Trivialization of Women’s Mental Health in South Asian Countries

In an era of increasing awareness about mental health, it is disheartening to observe that women’s mental health continues to be ignored and trivialized in many societies worldwide. The prevalent perception that women are naturally emotional beings, coupled with cultural norms that discourage open discussions about mental health, has led to the undermining of the real struggles women face. This article delves into the reasons behind the trivialization of women’s mental health, the erroneous notion of women being inherently emotional, and the stigma surrounding mental illness, particularly within South Asian communities. Misconceptions and Gender Bias A significant factor contributing to the trivialization of women’s mental health is the gender bias that still exists in many societies. Women are often regarded as emotional creatures by default, and their struggles are sometimes written off as mere mood swings or feminine sensitivity. This generalization perpetuates the idea that emotional distress is part and parcel of being a woman, discounting the possibility of a legitimate medical condition. This bias fails to recognize the complexities of mental health issues that women may face, such as anxiety disorders, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. Image Source: Chemical Imbalance vs. Emotional Nature The notion that women’s emotional experiences are a result of their inherent nature rather than a potential chemical imbalance is both misleading and harmful. While it is true that hormonal fluctuations can impact emotions, it is essential to recognize that mental health disorders are rooted in intricate interactions within the brain. Dismissing women’s mental health struggles as ‘normal’ emotional behavior disregards the biological basis of mental illnesses that affect both genders. Stigma in South Asian Communities In many South Asian communities, the stigma associated with mental illness is particularly pronounced. There exists a perception that seeking psychological help is a sign of weakness, and families often prefer to keep such matters hidden due to concerns about societal reputation. This stigma is magnified for women, who are expected to fulfill traditional roles and adhere to societal norms. As a result, women in these communities often suffer in silence, fearing rejection or ostracization if their mental health struggles become known. Repression ≠ Strength Society’s inclination to associate repression with strength further exacerbates the problem. Women are often praised for their ability to endure suffering silently, perpetuating the idea that outward emotional expression is a sign of weakness. This notion discourages women from seeking help and encourages them to suppress their feelings, potentially leading to severe mental health consequences. True strength lies in acknowledging and addressing one’s struggles, not in suppressing them. Encouraging Open Dialogue To combat the trivialization of women’s mental health, it is crucial to foster open and honest conversations about mental well-being. Education plays a pivotal role in dispelling myths and promoting understanding. Schools, workplaces, and communities should provide platforms for discussing mental health openly, thus dismantling the barriers that prevent women from seeking help. Image Source: Promoting Gender-Neutral Mental Health Care Mental health care must be gender-neutral, focusing on individual experiences rather than conforming to stereotypes. It is imperative to acknowledge that men and women alike can experience mental health challenges, each influenced by a unique set of circumstances. Tailored treatments and support systems that address the specific needs of women can contribute to breaking down the barriers of trivialization. The trivialization of women’s mental health is a grave concern that stems from deeply ingrained biases, stereotypes, and societal expectations. Recognizing that mental health disorders are not exclusive to any gender and encouraging open conversations can lead to the destigmatization of mental health struggles. To truly empower women, we must collectively work towards dismantling the harmful narratives that undermine their mental well-being.

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