Feminine Health

Embracing the Passage of Time: A Guide to Aging Gracefully for Women

In a society obsessed with youth, the idea of aging gracefully often seems elusive, especially for women. The fear of wrinkles, sagging skin, and a slowing metabolism can cast a shadow over the natural process of growing older. However, it’s time to shift the narrative and embrace aging as a beautiful journey. By adopting a holistic approach that includes nutrition, a healthy diet, regular exercise, skincare, and prioritizing mental well-being, women can navigate the aging process with grace and confidence. Image Source: Freepik.com One of the cornerstones of aging gracefully is maintaining a nutritious and well-balanced diet. As the body ages, its nutritional needs evolve. Adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants becomes crucial to support overall health and combat the effects of aging. Including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in daily meals provides essential nutrients that contribute to skin health, bone density, and cognitive function. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties, benefiting both the body and the mind. Regular exercise is another key component of aging gracefully. Physical activity not only helps maintain a healthy weight and promotes cardiovascular health but also has profound effects on mental well-being. Engaging in a mix of aerobic exercises, strength training, and flexibility exercises can enhance overall fitness and contribute to a positive self-image. Additionally, exercise promotes the release of endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters, fostering a sense of well-being and reducing stress—an essential aspect of aging gracefully. Skincare plays a pivotal role in managing the external signs of aging. While numerous products flood the market, one compound stands out for its proven efficacy—retinol. Derived from vitamin A, retinol is renowned for its ability to stimulate collagen production, reduce the appearance of fine lines, and promote skin renewal. Including retinol in a skincare routine can significantly contribute to maintaining a youthful complexion. However, it is crucial to use it cautiously, starting with lower concentrations and gradually increasing to avoid potential irritation. A healthy lifestyle extends beyond physical aspects; mental well-being is equally vital in the journey of aging gracefully. Stress, anxiety, and societal pressures can exacerbate the aging process. Incorporating mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or even a simple daily gratitude journal can foster emotional resilience and a positive outlook. Taking time for oneself, nurturing hobbies, and cultivating meaningful relationships contribute to a fulfilling and satisfying life, transcending the limitations often associated with aging. Image Source : Freepik.com Moreover, the societal narrative around aging needs a paradigm shift. Women should be empowered to embrace their age proudly, free from the constraints of unrealistic beauty standards. Each passing year brings wisdom, experience, and a deeper understanding of oneself. Celebrating the journey and the lessons learned along the way can be liberating, fostering self-acceptance and confidence. In conclusion, aging gracefully is a multifaceted journey that goes beyond skin-deep beauty. Women can take charge of their aging process by making conscious choices in nutrition, adopting a healthy diet, engaging in regular exercise, incorporating retinol into skincare routines, and prioritizing mental well-being. Embracing the natural progression of time, with all its challenges and triumphs, allows women to navigate the aging process with poise and confidence, redefining societal norms and embracing the beauty that comes with each passing year.

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Palestinian Men Amidst the 2023 Israel-Palestine Conflict

In the tumultuous landscape of the Israel-Palestine conflict, where the spotlight often falls on the plight of women and children, the silent suffering of Palestinian men remains overlooked. The mental and emotional toll on these men, who are expected to bear the brunt of war and hardship, is a story that deserves attention and recognition. Image Source: nbc.com As the conflict rages on, the resilience and courage of Palestinian men are overshadowed by the urgent focus on the vulnerabilities of women and children. The societal expectation that men should stoically endure the challenges of war often leads to the neglect of their mental and emotional well-being. The burden they carry is not only physical but extends to the psychological scars etched by the continuous cycles of violence. In the chaos of conflict, the emotional health of Palestinian men is often relegated to the background. The constant fear of airstrikes, the loss of loved ones, and the uncertainty of the future weigh heavily on their shoulders. The prevailing narrative tends to overlook the internal struggles these men face as they strive to protect and provide for their families amidst the chaos. It is essential to recognize the untold stories of resilience and bravery that unfold in the midst of adversity. Many Palestinian men, despite the harsh circumstances, are the unsung heroes safeguarding their children and wives. They endure sleepless nights, navigating through the labyrinth of destruction to ensure the safety of their families. Their commitment to shielding their loved ones from the horrors of war often comes at a significant personal cost. In the face of adversity, the mental health of Palestinian men is a casualty that cannot be ignored. The constant exposure to violence, loss, and displacement takes a toll on their emotional well-being. The stigma surrounding mental health in many societies exacerbates the problem, as seeking help is often perceived as a sign of weakness. Consequently, the silent suffering of these men continues unabated. To break the silence surrounding the mental health of Palestinian men, it is crucial to acknowledge their struggles and provide avenues for support. Mental health services and counseling can play a pivotal role in helping them cope with the traumas of war. Creating a safe space for men to express their emotions without judgment is a step towards healing the wounds that may not be visible on the surface. Image Source : tiktok.com While the world witnesses the physical destruction in conflict zones, it is equally important to shed light on the emotional turmoil that Palestinian men endure. Their resilience, sacrifices, and unwavering commitment to protecting their families in the face of adversity are stories that need to be shared and celebrated. By recognizing the emotional toll on these men, we contribute to a more holistic understanding of the impact of conflict on individuals and communities. In the midst of chaos, let us not forget the brave Palestinian men who, against all odds, stand as pillars of strength for their families. Their silent suffering demands acknowledgment, and their stories deserve to be woven into the broader narrative of resilience and hope amidst the challenges of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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The Unyielding Spirit: Women Journalists in Palestine

In the heart of the conflict-ridden landscapes of Palestine, a cadre of fearless female journalists has emerged, standing tall against the turbulent tides of war and adversity. Their stories, often overshadowed by the larger narratives of conflict, reveal a tapestry of courage, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to truth-telling in one of the world’s most challenging environments. Image Source: Instagram account of respective women Among these extraordinary women is Plestia Alaqad (@byplestia on Instagram), a name that resonates in the realms of Palestinian journalism. Plestia’s unwavering dedication to her craft has positioned her as a symbol of tenacity amidst chaos. Day in and day out, she navigates the volatile streets, risking her safety to uncover the untold stories that shape the lives of the people she represents. Plestia’s courage extends beyond the confines of her profession; she embodies the spirit of resilience that defines Palestinian women in the face of adversity. Shireen Abu Akleh, another prominent figure in the landscape of Palestinian journalism, had carved her niche as a storyteller of the human experience amid conflict. Her work transcended mere reporting; it captured the soul-stirring narratives of a people grappling with the harsh realities of an apartheid. Shireen’s lens not only exposed the scars left by conflict but also highlighted the indomitable spirit that persisted in the hearts of the Palestinian people. Her journalism served as a testament to the power of storytelling as a means of resistance, a weapon wielded against the erasure of a people’s history and identity, a weapon so strong that at last she was martyred while reporting. Bayan Abusultan (@bayanpalestine on Instagram), a rising star in the world of Palestinian journalism, has not only inherited the mantle but has expanded it. Her work delves into the intersectionality of gender and conflict, shedding light on the unique challenges faced by women in a society grappling with war. Bayan’s courageous reporting challenges stereotypes and amplifies the voices of those often marginalized in the discourse of conflict, providing a platform for unheard stories to resonate globally. The challenges faced by female journalists in Palestine are multifaceted. Beyond the inherent dangers of reporting in a conflict zone, these women navigate societal expectations and gender norms that seek to confine them to traditional roles. Yet, their resilience shines through, as they continue to break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and redefine the role of women in journalism. The courage of these journalists is not confined to the headlines they produce but extends to their daily lives. They are mothers, daughters, and sisters navigating a world that demands resilience on all fronts. The stories they tell are not only about conflict; they are narratives of love, loss, hope, and the enduring human spirit. Image Source : Freepik.com In the face of adversity, these women exemplify the power of journalism as a force for change. Their work transcends borders, offering a window into the lives of those often forgotten in the larger geopolitical discourse. Byplestia, Shireen Abu Akleh, Bayan, and countless others stand as beacons of hope, their pens mightier than any weapon, and their voices echoing through the corridors of history. As we reflect on the brave female journalists in Palestine, it is crucial to recognize not only the challenges they overcome but also the transformative impact of their storytelling. In a world hungry for truth, these women are the voices that refuse to be silenced, illuminating the human experience amidst the shadows of conflict. Their resilience is a testament to the enduring power of journalism, a force that, even in the darkest of times, continues to shine a light on the untold stories of a people determined to be heard.

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Embracing the Hormonal Symphony: Understanding the Cyclical Nature of Women’s Hormones

In the intricate tapestry of human biology, the hormonal cycle stands as a testament to the marvels of the human body. While both men and women possess hormones that play crucial roles in their overall well-being, the cyclical nature of women’s hormonal fluctuations is a unique and awe-inspiring phenomenon. Women experience a monthly hormonal cycle primarily driven by the interplay of estrogen and progesterone. This cycle, known as the menstrual cycle, unfolds in four distinct phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal. Each phase brings about specific changes in hormone levels, contributing to the dynamic nature of a woman’s physiology. Image Source: Freepik.com In contrast, men generally experience a more stable hormonal environment, with testosterone being the dominant hormone. While men do experience fluctuations in testosterone levels, these changes are less pronounced and occur over a more extended period compared to the monthly ebb and flow experienced by women. The hormonal cycle’s impact on mood is a well-documented aspect of women’s health. As estrogen and progesterone levels rise and fall throughout the menstrual cycle, they can influence neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin and dopamine, which play key roles in regulating mood and emotions. This hormonal dance can lead to a range of emotional experiences, from heightened sensitivity and empathy to occasional mood swings and irritability. Unfortunately, societal stigmas surrounding women’s emotions, often dismissed as mere “moodiness,” persist. Women have historically faced judgment and discrimination based on stereotypes perpetuated by misunderstandings of hormonal fluctuations. This stigma contributes to the expectation that women should suppress or hide their emotions, perpetuating a cycle of shame and discomfort. It’s essential to recognize that emotions are a natural and integral part of the human experience. Just as the hormonal cycle is a fundamental aspect of women’s physiology, emotions are a universal language that transcends gender. By understanding and accepting the hormonal fluctuations that contribute to emotional variability, we can foster empathy, compassion, and a more supportive society. Empathy is key in dismantling the stigma associated with women’s emotions. Instead of dismissing emotional experiences as hormonal imbalances, we should encourage open conversations about the diverse range of feelings that both men and women navigate. Creating a safe space for dialogue allows for a better understanding of the complex interplay between hormones and emotions, fostering a culture of acceptance. Image Source : Freepik.com Moreover, acknowledging and respecting the cyclical nature of women’s hormones emphasizes the importance of tailoring support and accommodations in various aspects of life. From workplace policies to interpersonal relationships, a nuanced understanding of hormonal fluctuations can pave the way for more inclusive and compassionate environments. In conclusion, the hormonal cycle of a woman is a mesmerizing symphony of physiological changes that significantly influences mood and emotions. Rather than perpetuating stereotypes and stigmas, embracing and understanding these fluctuations can lead to a more compassionate and supportive society. By dismantling the stigma surrounding women’s emotions, we can create a world where individuals are celebrated for their authenticity, hormones and all.

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Hormone Optimization in Women

During the reproductive years, women undergo many changes. This period starts from menarche and ends at menopause. The female reproductive organs, the ovaries, secrete important hormones like estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones are the major contributors in developing female sexual characters and in maintaining their menstrual cycle. However, there are other hormones which are equally important in the prior mentioned roles.   This network works in the hormonal circuit starting from the hypothalamus to the pituitary to the adrenal gland and finally acting on the gonadal axis releasing hormones. The role of these hormones is highly significant in maintaining the menstrual cycle. (1) Image Source: Freepik.com What is hormone optimization?  Hormone optimization refers to the estimation of declining levels of the hormones in the body and its overall threshold. The aim of optimizing these hormones is to suggest alternative options like hormone replacement therapies to improve the symptoms for the patient. Lifestyle changes like weight loss in obese patients and dietary changes are also advised. (2)  Role of gut microbiome in estrogen metabolism  There is a specific type of gut bacteria that plays an important role in hormonal balance in females. This is known as estrobulume. This class of bacteria that is present in the gut regulates and excretes estrogen in the body. It does this by producing a hormone called beta glucuronidase which prevents excess excretion of estrogen in the gut. However, if this hormone is overproduced it will cause dysbiosis and estrogen dominance in the body. This can be detected by blood or stool samples. It has been noted that women who have an estrobolme that causes estrogen dominance predisposes them to diseases like breast cancer, endometrial cancer and prostate cancer in men. (3)   Intergenerational trauma and its effects on the endocrine system  In many individuals, more commonly in females, the effects of emotional trauma can be passed on to their future generation. Their descendants are more susceptible to depression and other psychiatric disorders. They may present themselves with behavioral challenges and difficulty in problem solving. Trauma is passed via genes or through the behavior of mothers towards their children which impacts their development. It is greatly observed in females living in warzones (4). It affects their problem-solving abilities and their willpower to get through difficult situations.  The above-mentioned factors also influence the endocrine system. The hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis is disturbed which causes hormone imbalance that can present as over or underproduction of certain hormones.  It predisposes the females to conditions like endometriosis, fibroids and polycystic ovarian syndrome. I can also attribute to constipation which is generally more in females than males. (5)  Hormone optimization options for women   A significant option for hormone optimization is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). It is offered to post-menopausal women who are experiencing symptoms like hot flushes, mood swings, dry vagina, insomnia, vasomotor symptoms and osteoporotic symptoms (6). It is usually offered to women after their symptoms appear. However, experts like Dr. Sara Gottfried believe that women should be counselled and offered HRT in their premenopausal years which can prevent them from developing these symptoms in the first place and as provide maximum effect. This is the time when the estrogen levels begin to decline hence the HRT is most beneficial.   Before starting the therapy, it is very important to identify the hormones that are deficient which can be replaced accordingly. Surgical and medical history helps in determining the type of HRT to be used.  Image Source : Freepik.com Types of HRT  There are two major types of hormone replacement therapies,  Combined HRT  This typically has estrogen and progesterone. This type of HRT is ideal for women who have an intact uterus as progesterone protects the uterine lining from the stimulating effects of estrogen. This therapy can be given intermittently or continuously. This is available in the form of pills, patches and coils. (7)    Estrogen only therapy  This comprises of estrogen as the only hormone. It is preferable for women who have undergone hysterectomy (removal of uterus) since the proliferative effect of this hormone is ineffective. It is available in many forms like tablets, implants, patches, rings, gel and spray forms. (8)  There are certain medical conditions that may alter the indication and dose of HRT. Such conditions include breast cancer, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, cardiac diseases, hypertension, liver disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding.   Conclusion  In conclusion, the various symptoms that women undergo throughout their reproductive years were rendered uncontrolled in the previous times. However, in recent times, the discovery and application of alternatives have minimized such inconveniences. These symptoms begin at menarche and continue till after menopause. The detrimental effects of menopause can be avoided by opting for appropriate measures in diet and lifestyle. Another alternative that can be offered is hormone replacement therapy, which has gained popularity in recent years. It saves women from declining estrogen effects after menopause and aids them in living a healthy life.     References  Christensen, A., Bentley, G. E., Cabrera, R., Ortega, H. H., Perfito, N., Wu, T. J., & Micevych, P. (2012). Hormonal regulation of female reproduction. Hormone and metabolic research, 44(08), 587-591.   Gottfried, S. (2014). The hormone cure: Reclaim balance, sleep and sex drive; lose weight; feel focused, vital, and energized naturally with the Gottfried protocol. Simon and Schuster.  Baker, J. M., Al-Nakkash, L., & Herbst-Kralovetz, M. M. (2017). Estrogen–gut microbiome axis: Physiological and clinical implications. Maturitas, 103, 45-53.  Bowers, M. E., & Yehuda, R. (2016). Intergenerational transmission of stress in humans. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41(1), 232-244.  Higgins, P. D., & Johanson, J. F. (2004). Epidemiology of constipation in North America: a systematic review. Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG, 99(4), 750-759.  Barrett-Connor, E., & Stuenkel, C. A. (2001). Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)—risks and benefits. International Journal of Epidemiology, 30(3), 423-426.  Udoff, L., Langenberg, P., & Adashi, E. Y. (1995). Combined continuous hormone replacement therapy: a critical review. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 86(2), 306-316.  Tannen, R. L., Weiner, M. G., Xie, D., & Barnhart, K. (2007). Estrogen affects post-menopausal women differently than

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Menstrual Health and Hygiene, Notes for Women Experiencing Periods

Menstruation is a natural process that occurs after 28-35 days duration every month. This process occurs because of the cyclical production of hormones which promotes the growth of a mature follicle that releases an egg which if fertilized results in conception. If the egg is not fertilized, the endometrium sheds and results in menstrual flow. This is a monthly process that happens to all women. During menstruation adequate hygiene should be maintained. Menstrual health and hygiene are fundamental for the wellbeing of every female. It empowers women to be confident and at the forefront of their daily activities. According to the World Bank, around 500 million women worldwide lack access to basic menstrual products. An unsatisfactory menstrual hygiene predisposes the body to infections, which is why it is considered very important to follow the general protocol. Image Source: safeamna.org Period poverty in Pakistan  Period poverty refers to social or cultural barriers that prevent women to freely access menstrual products. Lack of access to these products affects the physical and emotional tendencies of females and hurdles to their potential of performing their best. Another important factor that prevents women to attain good menstrual hygiene and access menstrual products is due to the financial constraints and tax on these products which makes it expensive and out of reach for them. Hence the unmet menstrual needs of women is an important issue that must be tactfully handled by the concerned authorities to aid the access of these products to all. Lack of basic menstrual wellness Around 80 percent of girls discover about menstruation after getting their first period. This lack of knowledge predisposes them to hesitancy and emotional discomfort. Having the basic knowledge about the process of menstruation and menstrual products allows young girls to be mentally prepared for the time they experience it. It also protects them from social embarrassments. Menstrual health management (MHM) To prevent the occurrence of disease and infection the WHO has introduced guidelines that highlight some precautions. Menstrual health management (MHM) focuses on women and adolescent girls to use an absorbable material that can be changed in privacy with the availability of water soap and proper sanitation. Maintain the cleanliness and disposing the used menstrual product wrapped in toilet paper or paper bag in a bin instead of flushing it down the toilet. Previously cloth was most popularly used by women during menstruation but the use of newer menstrual products like pads, tampons, menstrual cups and period underwear is preferred now. All these products are advised to be changed within 4-8 hours to prevent overflow. The menstrual cups are reusable and are to be washed properly to maintain hygiene. Image Source: menstrupedia.com Important steps to maintain good hygiene Use of clean water – Rinsing of the vulva with clean water with the direction being from vulva to the anus. This is important in preventing the bacteria to reach from the anus to the vulva. Changing the menstrual products regularly – It is advised to change the menstrual products within 4 to 8 hours to prevent overflow but more importantly to prevent toxic shock syndrome. Toxic shock syndrome is a life-threatening condition which is caused by bacteria entering the body and releasing toxins which are harmful for the body. This is highly associated with the use of tampons in young girls. Use of good quality non scented products – Scented products can irritate the skin and lead to rash. Hence, it is better to use good quality products which are not scented. Bathing and cleaning – In some regions menstruation is considered impure and dirty. There are many misconceptions and people believe that bathing can have negative effects on health. This is false as there is no data that can show negative effects of bathing on health. However, bathing and maintaining cleanliness is good for health and prevents the development of possible infections. Image Source: Freepik.com Types of menstrual products and their availability There are many types of menstrual products available in the market. The safe menstrual products to maintain good hygiene are sanitary pads, tampons and menstrual cups. The choice of the perfect menstrual product depends on certain factors that vary amongst women. These factors include the level of activity, cost, ease of change and the amount of flow. The most used product is sanitary pads followed by tampons. Sanitary pads are the most popular amongst menstrual products. These are highly absorbent and made from natural and synthetic fibers majorly cotton. These need to be changed every 6-8 hours to prevent overflow and infection. Tampons are also commonly used. These are also made from natural and synthetic fibers and are inserted in the vagina. These may be a little difficult and uncomfortable for some women to insert hence pads are superiorly used. Tampons must be changed 4-6 hours to prevent the occurrence of toxic shock syndrome (TTS). This is a rare but life-threatening condition and may present with symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps and rashes. Menstrual cups have recently become popular and in use. These are washable and pocket friendly. Like tampons, a menstrual cup is inserted in the vagina and where they collect menstrual blood. The menstrual cup can be washed and changed till 12 hours which is greater duration than sanitary pads and tampons, but this again depends on the amount of flow. Other less popular options are menstrual discs and period underwear. Menstrual disc is placed in the vagina at the opening of cervix. The period underwear is made up of poly filaments that absorb the period flow and prevents leakage. It can be washed and reused for 2 years. Hence, the choice of menstrual product depends on the amount of flow, cost and sustainability. This article concludes the importance of menstrual hygiene and how it is significant to prevent the occurrence of infectious disease that may be life threatening for women. Take away points Menstruation is a natural process that occurs in all females and normally is at the end of 28–35-day cycle. There are

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To Be Aware of PCOS, its Symptoms and Possible Treatments.

What is PCOS? Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disorder found in females of reproductive age. It is predominated by a triad of presentation which includes hyperandrogenism, hirsutism and polycystic ovaries. These females experience anovulatory or missed cycles and often present with infertility. This disorder affects the ovaries which produce estrogen and progesterone. The cyclical production of these hormones enables the ovaries to release an egg by the process of ovulation. The egg, if fertilized by the sperm results in conception. Hence, the process of ovulation is the key to fertility which is impaired in females suffering from PCOS. What causes it? The exact cause of PCOS is not determined but there are some important factors that are considered to play a vital role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Insulin resistance, family history, increased level of androgens and inflammation are considered to be important factors. Image Source: The Vagenda Insulin resistance This refers to the decreased effect of insulin on peripheral tissues and one cause of this is obesity. Insulin resistance causes increased production of androgens (male hormones) from the ovaries. Androgens are normally secreted by the ovaries and adrenal glands but cause clinical symptoms when produced in excess. These include hirsutism and acne. When there is persistent insulin resistance there is a great chance of developing type 2 diabetes in the future. Lifestyle Sedentary lifestyle is an important contributor in causing PCOS. Eating an improper diet focused on carbs and calories with lack of exercise and energy consuming tasks leads to weight gain which directly leads to hormonal disturbance and PCOS. Focusing on a healthy diet and daily exercise is the first line of treatment for this disease which further signifies its importance. Family history Women with PCOS have 50% chances of having an immediate female relative with the same disease. Genes and family history have an important role in the development of this disease. Hormones The two most important hormones involved in the development of PCOS are androgens and insulin. These hormones are normally produced in humans in a regulated amount but when produced in excess, they prevent ovulation and disrupt menstrual cycle. Obesity increases the production of these hormones hence an important factor in causing this disease. Image Source: tlcfertility.com How do patients present? PCOS can be completely asymptomatic in some patients and may come to attention when the patient has irregular cycles or difficulty with getting pregnant. The most common presenting symptoms are, Irregular periods This refers to the absence of regular periods or missed cycles. Some women have less than eight cycles or less per year. Hair growth About 70% of women with PCOS have excessive hair growth on their face and other regions of body. This is because of high levels of androgen in the body. This excessive hair growth is called hirsutism. Acne The effect of elevated androgens also results in oily skin and acne. Weight gain Insulin resistance is a major cause of the resulting weight gain that occurs in patients with PCOS. Infertility As explained earlier, whenever the process of ovulation does not occur normally and the egg is not released, fertilization cannot occur. Depression and anxiety Depression and anxiety are common symptoms of PCOS. It is mostly estimated that this is due to hormonal changes, but further research is required. Some women have also been reported to suffer from eating disorders and all these side effects must be assessed by doctors to provide adequate help. Sleep troubles Women with PCOS tend to be obese and are more likely to have sleep apnea which causes breathlessness in sleep. This results in disturbed sleep and fatigue which aggravates bad mood. How is it diagnosed? PCOS is a clinical disease and is best diagnosed based on history and examination. A thorough history about menstrual cycle, weight gain and skin manifestations like excess hair growth on the body, acne and alopecia. The doctor may inquire about the family history as there is a close genetic relation observed. Other than this, a pelvic ultrasound to see for cysts in the ovaries is also done for diagnosis. Rotterdam criteria is used to diagnose this disease and is based on three factors Androgen excess- This can be measured and checked via labs and can be appreciated clinically in the form of acne and hirsutism. Ovulatory dysfunction- This can be assessed by the regularity of periods and a mid-cycle check of progesterone. Polycystic ovaries- These are cysts caused by incomplete ovulation when there is a failure of the mature follicle to release an egg and it forms a cyst. It is very important to rule out other important causes of such symptoms like adrenal and thyroid disorders. For this, blood tests are done to be certain about the cause. Image Source: Unknown Treatment of PCOS PCOS does not have a definitive treatment, but the symptoms can be managed. There is a range of symptoms that are presented and can be treated according to severity. Lifestyle changes The most initial and important step in treating PCOS is to focus on lifestyle changes. These changes are focused on diet and exercise. In overweight females, weight loss can improve the overall outcome of the disease and may prevent from the future complications of this disease. The ideal BMI is between 18.5-24.5. The diet must be focused on whole foods and fresh protein. Processed food intake increases weight gain and must be avoided overall. Medication Different medications can be helpful in treating the symptoms. Irregular menstrual cycle – Oral contraceptives are best used for making the menstrual cycle regular. These are taken from the first day of the cycle for 21 days (about 3 weeks) with a seven-day pill-free interval. The use of OCPs provides an added effect of prevention of endometrial cancer with regular cycles every month. Infertility – Women with PCOS who are trying to conceive can use clomiphene which induces ovulation and promotes fertility. It is a commonly used drug and may be the first recommended drug for

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