Women’s Health

The Flexibility of Freelancing: Why Females Prefer it to Protect their Mental and Physical Health

The makeup of the workforce has changed significantly in recent years, especially for women who are choosing freelance work over typical 9–5 occupations. This movement is a significant reaction to the changing requirements of contemporary women, which include wanting flexibility and autonomy as well as addressing issues related to mental and physical health, childrearing, and job change. This essay delves into the reasons behind women’s embrace of freelancing as a way to address these varied facets of their lives.   Empowering Mental and Physical Health   Women are flocking to freelance work in large part because they want to give their physical and mental health top priority. Traditional employment frequently entails strict schedules and restrictive structures, which can cause stress, burnout, and general dissatisfaction. People can break free from these limitations by choosing their own work environment, pace, and scheduling when they freelance.   Women who work from home are better able to control their stress levels, schedule time for self-care activities, and maintain a more positive work-life balance. Freelancing allows women to customise their work schedules to support their overall well-being, whether that means working from a more comfortable location, engaging in hobbies, or taking pauses for exercise. Image Source: Freepik.com Catering to Child Raising Responsibilities   Many women choose to work for themselves because they find it difficult to balance their career goals with the responsibilities of raising children. It can be quite difficult to juggle a career and family obligations within the constraints of a typical 9–5 work. Because it gives you the freedom to design schedules that fit family obligations, childcare arrangements, and school pickups, freelancing is a practical alternative. Freelancing gives women the flexibility to work from anywhere and change their schedules as needed, allowing them to pursue their career goals without compromising their involvement in their children’s lives. This degree of independence strengthens their relationships with their families and gives them a sense of empowerment and fulfilment in their personal and professional lives. Flexibility and Freedom   One of the main reasons why freelancing appeals to women is the flexibility and independence it offers. Freelancing offers a more flexible approach to work than typical employment organisations, which can impose rigid office hours and hierarchical norms. Women have the power to choose their own working hours, negotiate pricing, and select projects based on their interests and skill set. Their ability to make their own decisions, pursue new possibilities, and develop a profession that fits their values and objectives is made possible by their autonomy. Image Source : Freepik.com Pros: Higher Earning and Selective Projects   In addition to the inherent advantages of independence and freedom, freelancing has observable benefits in terms of income potential and project choice. Because they can determine their own fees based on market demand, experience, and the value they provide to clients, freelancers have the potential to make more money than their peers in traditional professions.   In addition, independent contractors possess the liberty to select assignments that correspond with their passions and competencies, thereby promoting increased job satisfaction and involvement. Women can use this professional portfolio curation tool to highlight their skills, follow their hobbies, and establish a niche for themselves in their chosen fields.   Cons: Limitations of Work Stability and Building an Online Presence   Although freelancing has many benefits, there are drawbacks as well. Building a reliable internet presence and surviving the cutthroat freelancing industry are two of the biggest challenges women encounter.   Dedication, networking, and persistent self-promotion are necessary for establishing a strong reputation, gaining clients, and sustaining a consistent flow of work. Freelancers also have to deal with the inherent unpredictability of the gig economy, which can affect their income and way of life due to changes in demand, delays in projects, and payment problems.   The increasing number of women choosing to work as freelancers is indicative of a fundamental change in the way people view life and work in the twenty-first century. Women are taking back control of their careers, putting their health and well-being first, and blurring the lines between work and personal life by embracing freelancing.   While there are many advantages to freelancing, there are drawbacks as well, including the need for resilience, flexibility, and strategic preparation. in a recognition of the advantages and disadvantages that come with freelancing, women can move confidently in this changing environment, committed to their own holistic development and fulfilment.

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Understanding PMS: The Importance of Gentle Care and Coping Strategies

Many women suffer from a complicated range of symptoms in the days preceding their menstrual cycle, known as premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Hormonal shifts, neurotransmitter alterations, and even lifestyle choices all play a role in its appearance, albeit its precise aetiology is yet unknown. Women’s health depends on knowing the signs of PMS and giving them delicate care during this time. This is especially important when it comes to handling intense emotions in social and professional contexts. Symptoms of PMS: Every woman experiences PMS differently, but mood swings, irritability, anxiety, bloating, exhaustion, and food cravings are frequent symptoms. The luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, which starts after ovulation and ends with the onset of menstruation, is when these symptoms usually appear. Severe PMS, also referred to as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), can have a major negative influence on relationships and daily life, whereas minor symptoms are generally tolerable. Image Source: Freepik.com Gentle Care for Emotional Well-being: Women should take gentle care of themselves and their support networks at this period. It can make all the difference in the world when lovers, family, and coworkers show empathy and understanding. It is crucial to recognise that these feelings are transitory and unrelated to any personal failings. Emotional distress can be lessened by promoting self-compassion and relaxation methods like deep breathing, meditation, or light exercise. Alleviating Symptoms: Modifications in lifestyle can help reduce PMS symptoms. Lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are all important components of a balanced diet that can help control blood sugar and lessen mood swings. Bloating and irritation can be reduced by limiting alcohol, coffee, and salty meals. In addition to lowering PMS symptoms, regular exercise, enough sleep, and stress-reduction methods like yoga or journaling help enhance general wellbeing. Managing Emotions in the Workplace: During PMS, controlling intense emotions at work might be very difficult. Nonetheless, a number of techniques can support preserving poise and efficiency. To start, communication is essential. Educating dependable coworkers or managers about PMS might contribute to a helpful atmosphere. It can also be helpful to take breaks when necessary, engage in mindfulness exercises, and look for a quiet place to spend some alone time. Shifting perspective can also be facilitated by rephrasing negative ideas and concentrating on solutions rather than issues. Putting things in order of importance and dividing them into doable chunks will help you avoid feeling overburdened. Furthermore, you can avoid overcommitting and needless stress by learning to say no when it’s essential and setting limits. Image Source : Freepik.com While PMS is a common occurrence for many women, it doesn’t have to control their emotional health or ability to succeed in their careers. Through knowledge of the symptoms, tender care, and the adoption of coping mechanisms, women can experience this period with more resilience and ease. Proactive self-care, self-compassion, and empathy are essential throughout the menstrual cycle and not just during PMS. Women may accept and gracefully embrace their emotions in both the personal and professional spheres when they have the appropriate strategies and support in place.

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Finding Jobs is Easy, Learning to Find Them Is Hard: Tips on How to Successfully Land your Dream Role

Starting a job search can be difficult, particularly given the competitive job market of today. There are so many job boards, networking sites, and recruitment firms to choose from that it can be confusing and difficult to know where to begin. However, you may expedite your job search and raise your chances of discovering the ideal opportunity by utilising the power of keywords, specialised roles, headhunter websites, referrals, and networking contacts. Utilise the Power of Keywords: The foundation of any fruitful job search is a strong keyword strategy. Make sure to utilise precise keywords associated with your ideal industry, role, abilities, and qualifications when searching job boards and company websites. Job titles, technical competencies, certifications, and industry buzzwords are examples of these terms. Hiring managers and recruiters will find you more easily if you include pertinent keywords in your cover letter, resume, and online profiles. Image Source: Freepik.com Investigate Specialised Positions and Niche Markets:  Think about focusing on specialised opportunities and niche markets within your business in addition to using general job search sites. Job listings pertaining to those fields are frequently found on websites and forums devoted to those fields or job functions. You can interact with organisations looking for candidates with your particular skill set and uncover opportunities that might not be advertised elsewhere by concentrating your efforts on these niche sites. Make Use of Headhunter Websites and Recruitment Agencies: For job seekers looking for support throughout their job search, headhunter websites and recruitment agencies are invaluable resources. Usually, these platforms focus on connecting job seekers and companies in particular sectors or businesses. You can obtain exclusive job chances and receive individualised support from seasoned recruiters by setting up profiles on respectable headhunter websites and collaborating with respectable recruitment agencies. Utilise Recommendations and Referrals: Getting recommendations and referrals from friends, coworkers, and business associates will greatly help your job hunt. Inform the people in your network that you are actively looking for new opportunities. Participate in alumni events, industry conferences, and networking events to broaden your network and establish connections with people who could offer recommendations or referrals. Referrals are a valuable weapon in your job search toolbox because many employers give preference to applicants who come highly recommended by reliable sources. Build and Nurture Your Professional Network: Networking is essential for career advancement and job search success. Cultivate relationships with professionals in your industry through social media platforms like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums, and networking events. Engage in meaningful conversations, offer assistance, and seek opportunities to collaborate or learn from others. By actively participating in your professional community, you’ll not only expand your network but also increase your visibility and credibility as a job candidate. Image Source : Freepik.com In conclusion, a planned approach and a willingness to investigate different options and resources are necessary for successfully navigating the job search. Through the strategic use of keywords, specialized role targeting, headhunter websites, recommendations, and the development of a robust professional network, one can adeptly navigate the job market and unearth stimulating career prospects. As you start your job search, keep in mind to be proactive, tenacious, and receptive to new chances. You’ll have no trouble landing your next ideal job if you have the correct tactics and perseverance.

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Craft The Perfect Resume and Get The Attention of Prospective Employers with These Tips

Your CV is your first impression to potential employers in today’s cutthroat employment market. A well-written CV not only highlights your qualifications and experience but also shows that you can communicate and carry yourself professionally. Take into account these important ideas and techniques to write the ideal CV that makes an impression. Customise Your Resume to the Job Description: Customising your resume to the particular job you’re applying for is one of the most important resume writing tips. Examine the job description closely and note the essential competencies and abilities needed. Next, emphasise your accomplishments, abilities, and pertinent experience that meet those criteria. You may show an employer that you are genuinely interested in the job and improve your chances of being noticed by tailoring your CV for each application. Image Source: Freepik.com Emphasise Relevant Experience: The most relevant work experience you have should be highlighted strongly on your resume. Start with a succinct synopsis or goal statement that emphasises your primary credentials and career aspirations. Next, enumerate your professional background in reverse chronological order, emphasising roles and achievements that are specifically relevant to the position you are seeking. When describing your duties and accomplishments in each function, use bullet points and, whenever possible, place an emphasis on measurable outcomes. Employ Keywords: Before resumes are seen by a human, many employers filter them using applicant tracking systems (ATS). Use pertinent keywords from the job description on your CV to make sure hiring managers see it once they get past these algorithms. These terms could be industry buzzwords or particular abilities, credentials, or certificates. But don’t fill your content with keywords; instead, utilise them organically in relation to your experience and successes. Design for Impact and Readability: An eye-catching and easily readable resume is the result of good design. Select a professional, uncluttered layout with distinct headings and uniform formatting all around. To guarantee reading, choose a readable typeface and the right font size, usually between 10 and 12 points. Use bold writing, bullet points, and well-placed white space to highlight important details and create a visually appealing resume. Display Results and Accomplishments: Rather than merely enumerating your responsibilities, concentrate on emphasising your successes and the contributions you’ve made in prior positions. Whenever feasible, quantify your accomplishments by adding precise measurements, like sales numbers, project milestones, or cost savings. This gives prospective employers tangible proof of your skills in addition to showcasing your value. Provide Relevant talents and Certifications: Don’t forget to include a section detailing your relevant talents and certifications in addition to your professional experience. This could include any industry-specific certificates or qualifications you hold, as well as technical skills, software competency, and language ability. To highlight your fit for the position, once more match these abilities to the job description’s needs. Image Source : Freepik.com In conclusion, meticulous attention to detail, personalisation, and a strong presentation are necessary for designing the ideal resume. You may improve your chances of getting interviews and eventually landing your ideal job by customising your resume for each job application, emphasising accomplishments and relevant experience, using keywords, and designing for readability and impact. Keep in mind that your resume is your pass to the next phase of your professional development, so make it shine!

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Mastering the Interview: A Guide to Mental and Physical Preparation

To ace the interview in the cutthroat world of job hunting, preparation is essential. Making a lasting impression requires more than simply dressing appropriately and updating your resume; mental and physical preparedness are equally important. These crucial pointers can help you properly prepare for your next interview, regardless of experience level or recent graduation. Conduct Thorough Research: Prepare yourself for the interview by learning about the business, its principles, culture, and its most recent accomplishments. Examine the company’s website, yearly reports, and social media pages in-depth to learn about its offerings, target market, and market trends. Get acquainted with the job description as well, emphasising the essential duties and necessary abilities. This preparation not only shows that you are genuinely interested in the position, but it also gives you the edge you need to modify your answers wisely in the interview. Image Source: Freepik.com Practice, Practice, Practice: As they say, “practice makes perfect,” and interview preparation is no exception. Prepare for frequently asked interview questions by thinking through your answers for your experience, skills, shortcomings, and career objectives. In order to improve your body language, tone, and delivery, think about filming yourself or doing drills in front of a mirror. Additionally, ask a friend or mentor to assist you in conducting practice interviews. They may offer insightful criticism and make you feel more at ease and confident on the big day. Harness the Power of Visualization: Athletes and performers utilise visualisation as a potent tool to improve their performances, and it may work just as well when used to prepare for interviews. Spend a few minutes every day picturing yourself entering the interview room composed, self-assured, and prepared. Imagine yourself speaking clearly and poisedly when responding to inquiries. You can reduce your worry and increase your confidence on the day of the interview by mentally practicing success. Cultivate Confidence: Making a good impression in an interview requires confidence, and there are a number of tactics women may use to increase their confidence in these kinds of circumstances. First and foremost, make sure you look and feel your best by dressing in a way that gives you a sense of empowerment and professionalism. Additionally, to project confidence and boldness, practise power poses or use open body language. Don’t forget to talk with conviction, keeping your eyes fixed on the target and your voice clear and firm. In order to demonstrate your value as a candidate, conclude by concentrating on your accomplishments and strengths and bringing them up confidently throughout the interview. Image Source : Freepik.com Prioritize Self-Care: Give your physical and mental health top priority in the days before the interview. Make sure you eat healthily, get enough sleep, and do things that will help you decompress. Make time for activities that help your body and mind relax, such as mindfulness exercises, walks, or hobbies. Making self-care a priority can help you better handle stress and have a clear, focused mind when you go into the interview. To sum up, interview preparation involves more than just practicing your answers and refining your CV. You may increase your chances of success and make a good impression on your potential employer by devoting time and energy to your preparation—both mentally and physically—by doing extensive study, rehearsing interview questions, building confidence, and practicing. Recall that having confidence comes from owning your abilities and expressing who you really are, not from being perfect. Enter the interview room with confidence, knowing that you’ve done everything within your power to stand out and get the job of your dreams.

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Revealing the Strength of Women’s Intuition and Maternal Instincts

Humanity has long been captivated by the intuitive qualities of women and their innate maternal tendencies. These natural talents have been both praised and questioned since they are frequently shown in books, films, and everyday conversations. However, what are maternal instincts and intuition specifically in women, and how do they show up? The remarkable capacity of women to comprehend or sense things intuitively, frequently without conscious reasoning, is referred to as “women’s intuition.” It’s their intuition, that inner voice directing them in making choices and handling circumstances. Conversely, maternal instincts are particularly associated with the protective and caring actions mothers take on behalf of their offspring. Although these ideas are separate, they frequently overlap, with maternal instincts occasionally being perceived as a continuation of women’s intuition. Image Source: Freepik.com The roots of women’s maternal instincts and intuition are intricate and varied. According to evolutionary psychologists, these characteristics evolved as a means of survival across time. Women have always been the major carers, watching out for the health and safety of their children. Because of the increased sensitivity to potential risks and dangers required for this position, the individual developed intuitive abilities to traverse the complicated environment. From a biological standpoint, women’s intuition and maternal instincts may also be strengthened by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and childbirth. Oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone,” is one of the hormones that is released in large amounts during pregnancy and childbirth. It influences maternal behaviours and helps mothers and children form deep emotional attachments. Moreover, women’s intuition and maternal instincts are shaped by society and cultural influences. Especially in familial settings, women are socialised to be more loving, understanding, and perceptive to the needs of others. This social training supports the maturation and manifestation of maternal and intuitive skills. People have been known to benefit from the maternal instincts and intuition of women in a variety of ordinary and remarkable circumstances. Many anecdotes describe situations in which a woman’s intuition led her to make decisions that went against reason but ended up being advantageous. The ability of women to sense danger, interpret nonverbal clues, and intuitively know what a loved one needs has all been hailed as a tremendous and priceless gift. Image Source : ClevelandClinic.com Maternal instincts have also been praised for their nurturing and protecting characteristics. When faced with hardship, mothers frequently show extraordinary bravery and resilience, demonstrating an unrelenting dedication to their children’s welfare. Maternal instincts reveal a mother’s love and devotion to her kid, from sensing when something is wrong with them to performing extraordinary actions to keep them safe.  In summary, women’s maternal instincts and intuition are intricately intriguing phenomena with strong biological, psychological, and cultural roots. They are the embodiment of the innate intuition, empathy, and strength that define the female experience. Even though research into these phenomena’ causes is still ongoing, there is no denying their profound effects on people and society. The maternal instincts and intuition of women are potent reminders of the close relationship that exists between empathy, intuition, and the human experience.

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The Importance of Vitamin D and The Serious Deficiency in Women

Vitamin D is an integral part of our health. This vitamin, which is also labelled as a hormone due to its vital role in the metabolism of human body, was initially considered to have role in bone health only. As per daily advances, vitamin D is essential for bone health, reduces inflammation, facilitates the immune system to fight off infection and plays a role in preventing cancer. The body produces vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. This is the primary source of gaining appropriate levels of this vitamin. It is also available in the form of oral supplements. (1) Image Source: Myacare.com 1. Sun exposure Vitamin D levels in the body can be boosted with sufficient exposure to sunlight. The cholesterol receptors in the skin absorb UV radiation from the sunlight and convert to a precursor of vitamin D. Individuals that spend more time indoors, cover their face and body while going out and live in regions with decrease exposure to sunlight may have reduced levels of vitamin D in their body. (2) 2. Diet low in vitamin D Vitamin D is an animal-based vitamin which can be deficient in people who follow specific diets that exclude animal-based food. Strict vegetarians often miss vitamin D in their diets as it is mostly available in fish, egg yolks, cod liver oil and beef liver. Poverty is a significant aspect in Pakistan which deprives women the access to a proper and healthy diet. (3) 3. Renal diseases The kidneys convert vitamin D to its active form. Renal diseases impair this conversion and deplete the body to utilize its vitamin D. According to research, about 80 percent of individuals with chronic kidney disease have vitamin D deficiency due to failure of adequate renal function. (4) 4. Gastrointestinal diseases Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which is significantly taken from exogenous sources. Diseases involving the gastrointestinal tract like Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, cystic fibrosis, ulcerative colitis and pancreatic insufficiency impair the absorption of this vitamin and ultimately leads to its deficiency. (5) What problems do women with vitamin D deficiency face? 1. Bone and joint pains Women suffering from vitamin D deficiency have complains of joint pains and easy fatiguability. This is attributed to the fact that vitamin D increases bone density and promotes healthy growth. Reduced levels of this component decrease bone density and leads to its fragility and causes bone and joint pain. (6) 2. Increased frequency of infections Vitamin D is considered to boost immunity and fight off infections in the body. Its deficiency leads to repeated infections, especially viral illnesses. Many studies show that low vitamin D levels are associated with respiratory infections like influenza, pneumonia and sepsis. (7) 3. Bone weakness and fractures Vitamin D plays a significant role in bone metabolism and its deficiency leads to bone wasting and weakness. The daily wear and tear of bone cells increases, and minor trauma leads to major damage. This is greatly seen in menopausal women where low estrogen levels have an additional role to play. (8) 4. Hair fall Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory properties and plays an important role in keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation. Lack of this significant vitamin can lead to depletion in hair growth and excessive hair growth. (9)   Recommended dose of vitamin D supplementation for women The daily intake of vitamin D supplementation depends on various factors. The recommended dose for females is 600 IU daily for age 14-70 years and 800 IU daily after 70 years. (10) This requirement may increase during pregnancy and lactation depending on pre-existing deficit. Factors that may affect these doses are age, exposure to sunlight, lifestyle, dietary vitamin D intake, underlying renal of gastrointestinal diseases and obesity.   Image Source : ClevelandClinic.com Vitamin D plays an integral role in the metabolism of our body and the deficiency of this vitamin alters important functions. Many women in Pakistan are predisposed to this deficiency and present with signs and symptoms that worsen during pregnancy and after menopause. Women in this region have adequate exposure to sunlight but as majority of the population lies below the poverty line, their access to rich and nutritious food is limited. To overcome this, awareness programs regarding vitamin D deficiency and supply of supplementation in health clinics can help in the prevention of adversities. Another important factor is to encourage the consumption of vitamin D rich foods and supplements from a young age, especially in the reproductive years as this can prevent the subsequent post-menopausal infestations. References 1. Vandevijvere, S., Amsalkhir, S., Van Oyen, H., & Moreno-Reyes, R. (2012). High prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women: a national cross-sectional survey. 2. Lips, P., van Schoor, N. M., & de Jongh, R. T. (2014). Diet, sun, and lifestyle as determinants of vitamin D status. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1317(1), 92-98. 3. Lamberg-Allardt, C. (2006). Vitamin D in foods and as supplements. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 92(1), 33-38. 4. Williams, S., Malatesta, K., & Norris, K. (2009). Vitamin D and chronic kidney disease. Ethnicity & disease, 19(4 Suppl 5), S5. 5. Bikle, D. D. (2007). Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency in gastrointestinal disorders. Journal of bone and mineral research, 22(S2), V50-V54. 6. Holick, M. F. (2003, December). Vitamin D deficiency: what a pain it is. In Mayo clinic proceedings (Vol. 78, No. 12, pp. 1457-1459). Elsevier. 7. Watkins, R. R., Lemonovich, T. L., & Salata, R. A. (2015). An update on the association of vitamin D deficiency with common infectious diseases. Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology, 93(5), 363-368. 8. Busse, B., Bale, H. A., Zimmermann, E. A., Panganiban, B., Barth, H. D., Carriero, A., … & Ritchie, R. O. (2013). Vitamin D deficiency induces early signs of aging in human bone, increasing the risk of fracture. Science translational medicine, 5(193), 193ra88-193ra88. 9. Saini, K., & Mysore, V. (2021). Role of vitamin D in hair loss: A short review. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 20(11), 3407-3414. 10. Ross, A. C., Manson, J. E.,

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The Complicated Dance of Weather, Sleep, and Mood: Promoting Health with Sunshine and Restful Sleep

Our physical and mental health are intricately entwined in the complicated web that connects sleep, mood, and the weather. Our moods can alter with the seasons and weather, which can have an effect on our day-to-day activities. This essay will examine the complex connection between mood, sleep, and weather while highlighting how important a regular sleep pattern is to maintaining good health. Image Source: Freepik.com The Impact of Climate on Emotion Our emotions are greatly impacted by the weather. While dismal, wet weather might evoke a sense of sorrow, the sight of a sunny day can uplift and energise people. There is more to this relationship between weather and mood than meets the eye. Research suggests that exposure to sunlight causes serotonin, the neurotransmitter linked to happiness and well-being, to be released. On the other side, insufficient sunshine can cause a decrease in serotonin levels, which may exacerbate feelings of drowsiness and despair. The Value of Sleep and Sunlight The intrinsic body clock that controls our sleep-wake cycle, the circadian rhythm, is greatly influenced by natural sunshine. Our circadian rhythms are synchronised when we are exposed to natural light during the day, which improves our quality of sleep at night. Maintaining general wellbeing requires establishing a good sleep schedule that coincides with daylight trends. Women’s Hormonal Health The connection between sleep and health is more complex for women. Hormonal balance is impacted by sleep patterns that disturb the menstrual cycle. Studies reveal that irregular sleep cycles may cause hormonal imbalances in the reproductive system, which may exacerbate irregular menstruation and fertility problems. In addition to being essential for hormone balancing during menopause, adequate sleep also helps reduce symptoms like mood swings and hot flashes. Impacts on Eating Patterns and Mood Mood and sleep are mutually dependent on each other. Anxiety and sadness are two mood disorders that can be exacerbated by poor sleep, and mood disorders can also be caused by poor sleep. Lack of sleep has also been connected to higher stress levels, which raises the possibility of emotional eating and making bad dietary decisions. People who are tired are more prone to turn to sugary or high-calorie foods as a quick energy boost, which can exacerbate mood swings and lead to a vicious cycle of little sleep and unhealthy eating habits. Image Source : Freepik.com Setting priorities and managing sleep cycles are critical to breaking the pattern of mood swings and sleep interruptions brought on by the weather. Here are a few useful pointers: Create a Consistent Sleep Schedule: Aim for a consistent sleep and wake time every day, even on weekends, to regulate your circadian rhythm. Maximise Sunlight Exposure: To get as much natural sunlight as possible, spend time outside during the day. This encourages the synthesis of vitamin D and helps to regulate circadian rhythm. Minimise Screen Time Before Bed: The blue light that screens emit might disrupt the melatonin production, which is the hormone that induces sleep. Establish a pre-bedtime technology-free relaxation practice. Create a Calm Bedtime Routine: Before going to bed, try some soothing activities to let your body know it’s time to unwind, such reading a book, having a warm bath, or practicing mindfulness. To sum up, the way that the weather, sleep, and mood interact is a delicate ballet that has a big impact on our overall health. In particular for women, maintaining a regular sleep schedule that is in harmony with daylight hours is critical for mental stability, hormonal balance, and general physical well-being. People can take control of their mental and physical health and create a harmonic balance between their internal and exterior well-being by comprehending and actively regulating this complex relationship.

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Unrealistic and Superficial Expectations for Mothers Who Raise and Work

Women frequently find themselves burdened by the ubiquitous idea that they must keep their appearances despite juggling multiple tasks such as maintaining the family, having children, and occasionally even holding down careers in Pakistan’s complicated web of social expectations. This load is especially noticeable for women who experience social shame, particularly when their spouses cheat. Strong patriarchal traditions have long pervaded Pakistani society, where women are expected to exemplify virtues like modesty, elegance, and beauty. The pressure placed on women to meet society’s ideals of beauty is still evident, despite recent progress in identifying and combating these expectations. Women who play many roles and balance work, family, and household responsibilities are under even more strain. Image Source: Freepik.com The shame that wives experience when their husbands commit adultery is among the most upsetting effects of this social norm. Rather than laying blame on the unfaithful spouse, the guilt is frequently placed on the woman, with accusations that she neglected to take care of herself or her husband’s needs. Because of this deeply rooted cultural mindset, victim-blaming is perpetuated, and women are unfairly and unrealistically burdened with the responsibility of keeping their husbands faithful. It is still expected of women to keep up their beauty as they work, have children, and take care of the home. This assumption is frequently the result of deeply ingrained societal standards that value a woman’s physical attractiveness. Fearing that a perceived decrease in attractiveness would affect their relationships or their status in the community, women may feel pressured to put their appearance first. Furthermore, as social media has grown in popularity, unattainable beauty standards have spread throughout online spaces, intensifying these demands. Images of perfect influencers and models are always showing up for women, which creates an impossible standard and adds to the ongoing criticism of their beauty. When combined with the demands of raising children and keeping the home in order, this pressure to appear a certain way is intensified. The most heinous example of this social expectation is when a married couple commits adultery. Women are frequently made to feel guilty and ashamed of being betrayed rather than having the underlying reasons addressed. This strengthens the damaging idea that a woman’s physical beauty is closely related to her husband’s faithfulness, in addition to exacerbating the emotional pain of betrayal. Image Source : Freepik.com It is critical to support a culture transformation that celebrates women for their intelligence, resiliency, and contributions that go beyond physical appearance in order to confront these deeply ingrained expectations. Men must likewise take responsibility for their acts in order to destroy the false notion that a woman’s alleged inability to maintain her looks serves as justification for adultery. Education is essential to this process because it raises people’s awareness of the detrimental effects of unattainable beauty standards and the unfair burdens placed on women. In result, it is a strongly ingrained societal standard in Pakistan for women to preserve their appearances, regardless of the multitude of roles they play. This expectation is unjust and adds to the unfair stigmatisation of women who experience marital infidelity. It is also unrealistic. It will need a community effort to reframe cultural values, emphasise women’s value beyond outward looks, and hold people accountable for their behaviour in order to challenge these expectations. Pakistani society can only advance towards a more just and compassionate view of women’s roles and duties through such initiatives.

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Do Women Prefer Traditional Gender Roles?

There has been a subtle shift in the dynamics of society in recent years. Some people have expressed a rising desire to return to traditional gender roles, in which males take on the role of guardians and providers while women are largely responsible for domestic activities like cleaning and cooking. In light of the advancements achieved by the feminist movement—which promotes gender equality and the demolition of conventional stereotypes—this change appears contradictory. Examining this tendency, though, reveals a more complex picture that places an emphasis on personal preference and choice. Unquestionably, the rise of feminism over the past century has helped women’s rights significantly advance by questioning deeply held social conventions and creating possibilities for them in a variety of sectors. The concept of choice grew crucial as women had more access to political representation, professional opportunities, and education. Women are encouraged by feminism to follow their own preferences when making decisions rather than following social norms. Image Source: Freepik.com Even with these advancements, some men and women find that accepting traditional gender norms appeals to them more and more. This change recognises the value of personal autonomy within the larger context of gender equality rather than rejecting feminism. Instead of succumbing to social pressure, women who opt to assume traditional roles frequently do so out of genuine preference. The ability to follow any path one chooses—traditional or modern—is evidence of the fundamental principles of feminism. The need for stability and balance in interpersonal interactions is one factor contributing to the return of conventional roles. Some people feel comfort and security in the familiarity of conventional positions during a time of rapid social upheaval. A sense of structure and order can be established in the home by assigning certain tasks to each couple. Some see this division of labour as a way to foster harmony and build upon each other’s talents rather than as a means of promoting inequity. Furthermore, the acceptance of the fundamental biological and psychological distinctions between men and women is another factor contributing to the attraction of conventional roles. According to evolutionary psychologists, specific gender roles evolved over time as coping mechanisms for survival. Although the urgent need for these roles has passed in modern society, some claim that adhering to conventional gender norms may nevertheless bring about an inward sense of fulfilment. Image Source : Freepik.com It’s critical to understand that preferences for conventional roles are personal and cannot be categorised. It’s not always the case that women who prioritise taking care of the home give up their independence or give in to peer pressure. Rather, people are utilising their freedom to select options that are consistent with their individual beliefs and tastes. In summary, the return of conventional gender norms does not mean that the struggle for gender equality is going backward. Rather, it emphasises personal choice and the variety of women’s experiences, reflecting the dynamic aspect of feminism. Society may create an atmosphere that genuinely encourages men and women to live authentically, whether that means following customs or pursuing new avenues, by recognising and appreciating the decisions people make. The secret is to embrace variety while realising that feminism is about giving people choices and assisting them in pursuing their dreams of fulfilment and happiness.

Do Women Prefer Traditional Gender Roles? Read More »

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